Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hotteok, korean pancake/ 호떡


Hi uollsss! Amacam title? Menarik tak? Haha..
meh nak cerita sikit..aku ni peminat Runningman, drama Korea dan rancangan hiburan Korea yang lain, jadi kadang-kadang ada time tu diorang buat penggambaran dekat pasar...korang yang peminat korea ni mestilah tahu yang dekat pasar pagi atau malam dia ni macam-macam ada..dari barangan dapur, baju, makanan laut dan berbagai lagilah ada dijual...tapi yang lebih menarik bila diorang tunjukkan makanan...fuhh..mengancam!
tapi kalau dia tunjuk daging, jangan terliur lak...haha...nak tengok apa yang dipot pet oleh diriku ini? Jom, tapi pastikan anda dah makan dahulu sebelum tengok gambar ini, takut anda nak terbang ke Korea sekarang jugak..hahaa, makanan yang bakal korang tengok dibawah ialah makanan yang aku rasa orang Malaysia ataupun orang Melayu boleh terima dan aku suka...teheee

Bibimbap- Korean Mix Rice- Nasi Campur Korea

                                    Wah, nampak menyelerakan! Bewarna warni pulak tu....

Untuk pengetahuan korang, nasi campur korea ni kandungannya ialah nasi, daging lembu cincang, telur, sos cili bibimbap, sayur-sayuran(Cendawan Shiitake, tauge dan lobak) tapi nak letak sayur lain boleh jugak, ikut citarasa dan rumpai laut.. Bila digaul-gaulkan semuanya, barulah seperti nasi campur Korea.... Nampak sihat kan? Susunan dia pun menarik... manalah tak tertarik..aku, insyaAllah suatu hari nanti akan cuba buat resepi ni...kalau dapat buat untuk suami pun boleh..haha

Ddeokbokki- Stir Fried Rice Cake- Kuih Beras Kacau Goreng(Pelik Nama BM dia!)

Pekat kan? Nampak sedap je kan? Yummy... Kuih ni ada banyak jenis seperti garaddeok(jenis yang plain dan tak bercampur dengan sebarang sos), Chapssalddeok( macam kuih mochi yang dijual dekat kedai, makan sekali mesti nak lagi!) dan Songpyeon(kuih beras tradisonal Korea,inti dia boleh letak macam-macam seperti kacang merah(orang Korea suka kacang merah, aku tak suka sangat), nak letak inti pandan pun boleh tapi kena pandai buatlah...hehe....inti kaya ke? kelapa ke? style malaysia kan? hehe... aku nak cuba buat jugak tapi mesti guna tepung beras yang dijual dalam peti sejuk beku dan ia terdapat di Korea, Wuhaa...Malaysia tak ada ke? Tak taulah tepung beras kita sesuai digunakan atau tak..
Aku ada tengok cara orang korea buat Garaeddeok ni dalam satu rancangan Korea, Family Outing...nampak macam tasty je..sebab dia gebu, bulat, licin..bila makan macam tu je pun okay...masak panas-panas makan terus lagi fuhh! Bahan bahan dia adalah bebola ikan, bawang, sos perasa, nama dia gochujang, cili khas orang Korea...air dan kubis... Bagi aku dia serupa sikit macam yong taufu ...cumanya sos dia lain dan tak ada sayur...Kalau jadi pun rasanya tak akan serupa dengan mereka sebab bahan-bahan pun lain...Tapi tak semestinya tak enak...kalau pandai ber-eksperimen, mungkin boleh jadi satu! Hehe..

Bulgogi- Korean Beef BBQ- BBQ Daging Lembu Korea

Fulamak...tutup mulut tu! Hehehe...panggang ni...sediakan pemanggang sekarang! Hoho... Dari pandangan akulah, orang Korea suka makan makanan yang mentah macam orang Barat gaklah...contohnya, abalone, oyster dan sashimi kan mentah? So, diorang akan cecah dengan cili khas Gochujang dan makan...Kita? Uwekk..muntah dahulu..mestilah kena masak, lainlah tekak Western..So, banyak rancangan diorang tunjuk masakan bulgogi ni...apa yang diperlukan daging lembulah apa lagi? serta bahan-bahan perapan seperti pear hancur, bawang, bawang putih hancur, halia hancur, daun bawang(masakan Korea banyak pakai daun bawang), soy sauce, brown sugar, lada hitam, minyak bijan dan beberapa hirisan lobak...perap dalam 30 minit dan boleh dipanggang! Sodappp...

Dakgalbi- Spicy Grilled Chicken- Ayam Panggang Pedas

Ayam, sesiapa pun suka, budak-budak? remaja? orang tua? jangan cakaplah, Okay, yang tak suka takpe...Spicy tu..yang suka pedas macam den, memang patuit cuba! Huha! Apa yang diperlukan drumstick atau chicken breast, bawang putih hancur, halia, soy sauce, serbuk cili, pes cili (gochujang), air gula, lada hitam, bawang merah, kubis, kuih beras(rice cake), lobak merah, kentang dan daun perilla.nak makan. Dakgalbi pun kena gaul semua sampai sebati dan makan! Nyum!

Sundubu jjigae- Soft tofu stew- Stu Tauhu Lembut

Menarik kan? Stu tu...kita jarang makan makanan macam ni,  sebab kita selalu makan gulai masak lemak cili api, sambal belacan, ulam-ulaman( berapa ramai yang makan?), rendang dan lain-lain... seperti yang dikata tadi, citarasa lain..kita ni orang Timur...jadi isinya ialah ikan bilis, kelp, bawang merah, cendawan shiitake, bawang putih, cili hijau, campuran makanan laut, daging lembu. daun bawang, minyak bijan, tauhu, sos ikan dan telur....dia tak guna santan tapi guna ayak(air) untuk kuah dia..


Okay, semalam nak dijadikan cerita, aku pergilah buat hotteok(sejenis penkek manis korea dengan isian gula perang)...
Aku terpengaruhlah dalam Runningman...tengok ahjumma (mak cik) yang buat dan jual pankek ni dan bersusun bagai...manalah tak terliur...bila tengok diorang gigit pankek panas-panas tu, fuh, terkecur air liur wa cakap lu...nak tahulah jugak apa rasa dia...bahan-bahan dia ada kat rumah dan aku ni jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam, ada je benda yang nak dicuba masak.... jadi tak jadi itu hal lain..haha

macam mana nak buat?
Tepung, air, yis kering,  gula, garam, gula perang, serbuk kulit kayu manis, keju mozarella(aku guna cheddar), walnut(aku tak ada, jadi aku tak letak) dan minyak sayuran(untuk adunan, aku guna olive oil)
adun semua sampai jadi sebati dan tunggu sampai kembang, punyalah lama aku nak tunggu adunan ni nak membesar padahal resepi asal cakap satu jam je untuk proses berkembang..okay, aku ni taklah terror sangat buat benda yang menggunakan yis...adunan dia ni sticky atau melekit sana sini jadi kena letak tepung...aku bahagikan kepada lapan bahagian, dan bentukkan sebelum isi dengan fillingnya..enam biji isi dengan campuran keju,gula perang dan kulit kayu manis manakala lagi dua dengan cip coklat..
Goreng atas pan dengan minyak yang sedikit je supaya tak oily sangat, then boleh dihidang...nak tau tak apa taste dia? not bad...tapi kalau tak letak filling pun boleh sebab rasa macam roti canai ada, roti boom ada tapi tebal sikit dan pembuatan ia tak pakai minyak yang sangat, aku ni kan pandai sangat pergi letak 2 kali teaspoon kulit kayu manis dan rasa dia kuat gila...sepatutnya letak one teaspoon je..huhu, tapi rasa manis tu tetap ada sebab ada gula perang kan? Rasa dia cair dalam mulut..Tapi kalau letak walnut atau pecans pun aku sangat sarankan...mesti best...isian dia boleh juga ikut citarasa anda semua......kalau ada marshmallow, buah epal ke, strawberry ke, atau jem nutella ke, pun boleh ! Lagi umphhh!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Hai everyone!
Hari ni nak share satu resepi iaitu pancake pandan.  Sebenarnya aku tak boleh duduk diam dekat rumah lebih-lebih lagi time cuti ni, sebagai peminat bakeri yang tegar aku akan cuba untuk hasilkan kek, biskut atau roti yang sesedap mungkin. Dan semalam aku buat Pancake pandan yang resepinya aku cari dekat Google. Perisa pandan memang favourite aku dan korang semua kan? Aku dapati dekat Korea bila diorang buat rice cake yang berinti, roti atau pankek selalunya letak isi kacang merah, Mungkin ia adalah kesukaan rakyat mereka namun perisa pandan nampaknya tak ada… Aku pun kurang minat dengan kacang merah…Okay sebelum tu tengok gambar dululah…hehe

nampak macam burger pulak..haha

Mengancam tak hijau dia? Hehe


Nak buat pancake biasa tanpa perisa pandan pun boleh...sedap jugak..

sesuai dimakan pada waktu petang!

Sumber: Dari Dapur Siti
Rujukan: Majalah Lisa
Bahan-bahan :
1 cawan tepung gandum 
1/2 sudu baking powder
1/2 sudu baking soda
secubit garam
1 1/2 sudu besar gula kaster
1 biji telur besar
1 cawan susu segar
1 sudu besar mentega - dicairkan
1 sudu teh esen pandan 
Beberapa titik pewarna hijau
Sedikit mentega - untuk gris

Cara-cara :
1. Adunan Kering: Campurkan tepung gandum, baking powder, baking soda, secubit garam dan gula kaster ke dalam mangkuk besar.
2. Adunan Cecair: Dalam mangkuk lain, campurkan telur, susu, mentega cair, esen pandan dan pewarna hijau kacau dengan whisk hingga rata.
3. Masukkan perlahan-lahan adunan cecair ke dalam adunan kering. Kacau hingga rata dan hingga tiada ketulan tepung lagi. Jika adunan terlalu pekat, tambahkan sedikit lagi susu.
4. Tutup adunan pancake dengan plastik bersih dan rehatkan adunan kira-kira 30 minit.
5. Gris frying pan dengan mentega nipis-nipis dan panaskan dengan api perlahan. Tuangkan anggaran 1/3 cawan adunan dan masak sehingga nampak lubang-lubang kecil diatasnya, terbalikkan dengan perlahan-lahan. Masak lagi hingga bahagian bawah kekuningan. Angkat.
6. Hidangkan bersama lapisan inti kegemaran dan tambahkan ais krim vanila bersama sos chocolate sebagai toppingnya.

Jadi peminat perisa pandan, bolehlah cuba try resep ini! Dijamin sedap!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bersedia untuk Bekerja?


Hai, harini  tajuk lain dari yang lain ...
Sedia untuk bekerja bagi lepasan SPM,STPM, Diploma dan Ijazah?
..sebelum mencari pekerjaan,kita tahu ada satu benda penting yang perlu disediakan dan itu adalah


Ada apa dengan resume?
Dia lebih kurang macam satu tiket yang diperlukan  untuk apply kerja, sama juga bila nak masuk wayang atau nak main roller coaster...resume harus ada jika saya dananda nak mohon kerja swasta atau kerajaan. Tapi ada juga pekerjaan tak pakai resume, contohnya online business. Senang cakap kerja yang tiada pejabat, tak perlu pakai pakaian kerja, tiada masa pergi dan balik, tidak terikat dengan sebarang peraturan disiplin. Contohnya saya baru-baru ini launch online shop dekat facebook ---Anniclothes, jemput semua singgah ya !

Isi kandungan dalam resume yang diperlukan adalah seperti, gambar, pengenalan, objektif, pendidikan, pengalaman bekerja, kemahiran dan rujukan. Itu secara umum. Melalui resume, kita akan dinilai sama ada layak atau tidak memegang jawatan tertentu. Dan inilah yang saya akan sediakan untuk memohon pekerjaan di pejabat. Jadi penulisan resume adalah penting dan teliti untuk memastikan saya dan anda mendapat pekerjaan. Saya harap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan dipermudahkan. InsyaAllah.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

End of the school


Hey, I'm officially finish my school life! Waahh...i'm getting bigger...and I just turn 19 years old ...
and our parents was getting older.. My futures was long ahead...there will be more bigger challenge waiting me infront… I have to give 100% concentration so I will be able to stand anything that happen..
Banyak lagi benda yang belum aku temui, aku pelajari dan aku harungi jadi aku perlu persiapkan diri...dengan ilmu  agama yang akan menjagaku dan ilmu dunia yang akan memimpinku di titian yang berliku-liku..
Perasan kan,  bila kita dah jadi besar ni, lebih banyak tanggungjawab yang kita perlu lakukan..kita dah tak boleh terus mengharap ibu bapa kita akan sentiasa ada di sisi kita untuk menatang kita macam kecik-kecik dulu...namun, nasihat mereka kita perlukan untuk memberi panduan dalam membuat keputusan… ibu bapa kita wajib ditaati, disayangi dan dihormati..

OKAY, sekarang ni aku nak bercerita tentang perancanganku sekarang, korang taulah yang stpm ini memakan masa selama 1 tahun setengah bersamaan 3 sem lepastu boleh start cuti 9 bulan...tapi cuti bukan sebarang cuti… aku nak mulakan perniagaan online, so aku beritahu awal-awal nih sebab nak bagi hint sikit apa yang bakal korang saksikan..cehh, macam tv ready tau beli dengan aku.. :)
     Seterusnya aku mungkin buat kerja tambahan...harap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar…

 bulan tiga nanti, maksud aku tahun depan,  keluarlah keputusan stpm...aku target tinggi sebab mana tau dapat tinggi ke...haha..doakan aku… lepastu apply masuk u...tapi lambat masuk sebab dia bagi lepasan spm masuk terlebih dahulu...nak buat macam mana kan jadi teruskanlah dengan kerja anda...gaji masuk simpan untuk pelajaran yee...tak payah pinjam ptptn tu..jimat dan bila kita guna duit sendiri baru kita tau dan erti serta memahami betapa susah payahnya aku mencari wang dahulu dan kini aku menggunakannya untuk membiayai pelajaranku...barulah kita tak akan membazir… insyaAllah…

Selesai sudah pertemuan kita pada kali ini… always think positive :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

STPM 2014


Guys, i  just want to say, wish me good luck in semester 3 examination for STPM and you guys too who take SPM(my sister also going to sat for that exam) on this November, so i will be little bit busy but i will update my entry if i had a chance..
With this last year i'm being as a school student and my future is waiting ahead i have to
the best for this exam and successfully enter university...
i can do, you also can do! InsyaAllah...

PS: Hope to hear a great news of you guys :), me too! Hehe...

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Legend of Zhen Huan Part 2 - FINALE


Hi everyone :)

I had promised to you guys to post my second review about this drama, so here it is..
Zhen Huan seriously determined to return to the palace for revenge for her baby, family and also her husband...At the time she's leaving, 17th prince came back and plead her not to go.. but Zhen Huan ignored it and cut all ties between them..even though they feel sick in their heart, they have no choice..
After she came back, there were many things happened.. Ning Concubine tried to kill Zhen Huan when she knows that her affair with Prince Gou but she let it go after heard Zhen Huan story.. Zhen Huan came back to the palace with a new title and name to cover the true stories happened.. She became Consort Xi…
There was an incident where a group of cat scratch slave who brought Consort Xi with sedan chair and Consort Xi fall to the ground.. At that critical situation, Consort Xi in emergence have to gave birth..
Finally, she successfully deliver two twins boys and girls...It was a an opportunity for Consort Xi because her position will rise up..This can make her be one of the leaders in the concubine residence.. And of course the Emperor feel so happy about this ..
Consort Xi has to hide her feeling towards  Prince Gou when they meet at one of the event awhile..
The time pass by, and the enemy leader came to meet Emperor Yongzheng, he recognized Zhen Huan and 17th prince as well… he use this reason to ruin everything like want to make Zhen Huan as his wife..eww, who is he? But, Emperor Yongzheng will not easily fall in this trick..
After that, Empress tried to framed Zhen Huan and said that the baby Zhen Huan born is not from Emperor but from Physician  Wen.. They need to do some blood test to make sure this is not true… at the end, empress was defeated…
Concubine An who sided with empress was put under house arrest and end up her life in her house.. Regarding concubine Shen, she was one-night stand with Physician Wen and she's pregnant…
Before this, Physician Wen castrates himself and this give shock to Concubine An.. She had to give birth early and after her delivery, she died.. This is sad..
With everything happened, Emperor Yongzheng are suspecting Zhen Huan and Prince  Gou.. He ordered someone  secretly to find the truth about that matter.. At that time also, Emperor had started not feeling well.. Actually, Emperor had eaten long life, that kind of medicine also exist? Very advance… It shows us that Emperor himself getting older...For me, if he could die early and not taking that medicine, Zhen Huan and Prince Gou would have a good life forever…
This is the climax,  when Emperor asks Consort Xi to gave poison to Prince Gou, actually, Zhen Huan want to drink the poison so Prince Gou could life, but he knows it and change the drink, and Prince Gou died...till the end...we could see how much love between them.. Prince Gou didn't know the twins was his children.. Prince Gou wife, Yin, kill herself because she can't bear it anymore..
Concubine Ning who also like Prince Gou start to close with Emperor because she want the Emperor pay the death.. She helps Zhen Huan to kill the cruel Emperor.. They changed Emperor medicine with the poison, perhaps.. That's why Emperor health become more critical…  Everything happened at palace was under Consort Xi power… Emperor just lay on the bed…
Once day, Emperor near death and at this time Zhen Huan started to reveal one by one what exactly things she had planned and with the Emperor condition, he can't do anything instead of cursing her.. Not long after that, Emperor dies… What a pathetic situation..
Hong Li, Zhen Huan adoptive son become an Emperor with her wife Fuca and Zhen Huan become next Empress Dowager Chongqing..
Zhen Huan said, she are tired and have to rest.. THE END…


I love this  kind of stories because it was so historical and the actor was suitable with the pretty  costume just attract people watching this drama...It also gave many moral values to us.. I learnt little bit Chinese..hehehe...I hope you guys enjoy watching it! For who miss the first post, cliick here The Legend Of Zhen Huan Part 1. Adios !

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Aman Palestin !


Sempena menyambut Ramadhan yang mulia ini kita hendaklah berusaha untuk meningkatkan amal ibadah kerana pada bulan inilah kita dapat memperoleh pahala yang berlipat ganda..siapa yang tak nak? Adakah disebabkan kita berpuasa kita menjadi lemah semangat sedangkan pada zaman nabi pun berpuasa ketika berperang..Namun kita dihidangkan isu yang menyayat hati kita umat islam ialah kisah saudara kita di bumi  Palestin yang menghadapi serangan tentara zionis yang dilaknat oleh Allah.. Tentera Israel didakwa sengaja mengeksploitasi penculikan tiga remaja negara itu dari penempatan haram Yahudi di Hebron sebagai alasan untuk menyerang penduduk Palestin di Gaza...apa lagi yang mereka rancangkan?

Pembentukan negara haram israel pada 15 Mei 1948 di bumi palestin 65 tahun yang lalu telah mengundang malapetaka besar...Dunia menyaksikan kekejaman rejim Zionis melalui petempuran yang telah mengakibatkan kemusnahan yang dahsyat. Ratusan ribu yang mati syahid, ribuan pelarian yang terpaksa meninggalkan tanah air dan berhadapan masalah pengangguran dan kecacatan kekal… Tidak ada sifat perikemanusiaan dalam diri mereka...Penderitaan dan kesengsaraan berpanjangan yang ditanggung rakayat Palestin menjadi satu keinsafan kepada kita seummah..

Jika kita di Malaysia masih boleh bersenang lenang dengan limpahan kemewahan yang tak terhingga, ingatlah masih ada di luar sana yang menderita dan sengsara kerana ingin mempertahankan negara mereka daripada musuh Islam… Mungkin kita boleh buang makanan yang berlebihan apabila kita kekenyangan ke dalam tong sampah tapi pernah tak kita terfikir banyak lagi kanak-kanak yang mati kebuluran kerana tiada makanan..Setiap cebisan makanan yang kita dapat semuanya ada harga dan nilainya yang tersendiri.. Dapat makan makanan yang bermacam-macam pun bersyukurlah …
Jika kita sakit, kita boleh dapatkan segera rawatan di klinik mahupun hospital tetapi jika penyambung pejuang Palestin yang sakit seperti kanak-kanak adakah mereka dapat khidmat rawatan ini dengan segera sekiranya hospital penuh dengan mangsa serangan, ubat-ubatan kehabisan serta adakah kecederaan yang mereka alami boleh sembuh dengan sepenuhnnya jika tidak dirawat dengan baik?  Kita tak rasa apa yang dilalui oleh rakyat Palestin kerana kita tidak mengalaminya Namun, jika negara kita pula yang menjadi mangsa serangan kuasa jahat, adakah kita mampu keluar dari rumah untuk ke sekolah dengan tenang… Disinilah kekuatan doa yang kita boleh sampaikan… Berdoalah, kerana itulah penghubung kita kepada yang maha pencipta..kerana doalah senjata orang Mukmin.. Adakah kita mempunyai kekuatan untuk menumbangkan musuh sekiranya kita masih lagi di awang-awangan.. Dengan maksiat yang penuh dalam diri kita adakah kita mampu berdiri segagah seperti pemuda Palestin yang kuat serta utuh pegangannya kepada ajaran Allah.. Jihad mereka tidak akan pernah berhenti kerana mereka percaya kemenangan itu datang daripada Allah…

Seruan mereka ialah jihad fisabilillah menentang musuh Allah dan umat Islam, bukan seruan bangsa dan tanah air. Bekalan kerohanian mereka ialah solat berjemaah dan solat malam, bukan hiburan dengan segala penjenamaan dan hiasan kata. Peneguhan jiwa mereka ialah al-Quran, bukan nayanyian yang melalaikan. Matlamat dan tujuan mereka ialah mati syahid dan bukan tujuan duniawi dan segala isinya.

Mereka itulah orang yang tidak tertipu dengan dunia dan isinya. Mereka tidak ada masa menonton konsert rock atau irama tari lembut gemalai. Mereka benci dengan fenomena Gangnam Style atau artis-artis sezaman dengannya kerana ianya jelas dan nyata mendorong kepada kebejatan akhlak dan keruntuhan moral.
Akhlak, peribadi dan semangat pejuang-pejuang kebenaran inilah yang seharusnya djadikan contoh kepada umat islam sedunia agar bersatu dalam mengalahkan musuh Islam.

Jadi apa kata kita bersama-sama menghulurkan bantuan kepada mereka dengan menderma di


insyaAllah,  jika seorang rakyat Malaysia dapat menyumbang RM10 seorang, ditambah dengan yang lain, kita dapat membantu penduduk Palestin untuk keperluan asas mereka...

Dari Abu Hurairah ra, Nabi SAW, bersabda: “Barang siapa yang melepaskan satu kesusahan seorang mukmin, pasti Allah akan melepaskan darinya satu kesusahan pada hari kiamat. Barang siapa yang menjadikan mudah urusan orang lain, pasti Allah akan memudahkannya di dunia dan di akhirat. Barang siapa yang menutupi aib seorang muslim, pasti Allah akan menutupi aibnya di dunia dan di akhirat. Allah senantiasa menolong hamba Nya selama hamba Nya itu suka menolong saudaranya”. (HR. Muslim, lihat juga Kumpulan Hadits Arba’in An Nawawi hadits ke 36).

The Legend Of Zhen Huan Part 1


Hi everyone!

Why do you think about my topic today?
I'm sure chinese drama fan will know this drama.. I just love all korean and chinese drama that suit my taste.. Nowadays, I watching this stories on television..and now it's airing from Monday to Friday from 6.00pm to 7.00pm on NTV7, so, to all historical drama fan, you have to watch this drama before it end ok!  It has 76 episode and it worth to watch it for 45 minutes after coming back from school..hehe
Ok, so why I like to watch this drama? What is the speciality?
Based on my observation, cehhh… eyh, how rojak singapura taste? Haha, just kidding…
This is the actor and actress in this series...

I started watch this drama after it start with a few episode, if I'm not mistaken when Changzai Chun join palace harem

… she enter the palace at a young age to become an emperor concubine.. She is so cute, active and kind person.. But she found dead after being killed by Consort Hua servant… All female  character in this story are young and beautiful as well as their costume… I like their cold clothes because it was so attractive and pretty with adding some fur on it… I wonder how cold the weather at there… if I have a chance, I want try wear that clothes! Hehe…
Things I got learn is we need to be knowledgeable but in this drama if you are smart, you just ask for problem...because only smart people can overcome all things happen and control the palace…

You know, Consort Hua, she have been emperor favorite because of her brother (Nian Geng Yao)  contribution to the country and she is talented, smart and in the palace as a concubine is full with tragedy…
if you try to attract Emperor Yongzheng attention and be powerful, sure you will be knock off… that's why get descent with emperor is important to secure your position… if they got boys, sure their mom become more powerful than empress who does not have any child..  What I know is, there is not much emperor son in the palace… But some of them successful delivering baby, and it is girl, it's fine…
if they got pregnant and will deliver soon, of course there will be a bad people will find a way to make they miscarriage the baby.. so poor...
I also found cruelty in this drama where is often happened to the weak concubine like to  An Lingrong and others..  If they make Consort Hua mad, they gonna be slap… even watching them being tease just make me feel, what is this! Urgh, I hate her! Haha… Like seriously, annoying…
One way not to get into fight with others is don't even bother with others problem and stay away from emperor like what Shen Meizhuang do after losing hope to  emperor because she was under house arrest for a long time without any interrogate do to her… I haven't watch that scene anyway.. So can't really explain thoroughly..hehe
I think enter the palace as a concubine is no lucky at all… if you can get a handsome and not to old husband is okay but emperor was too old for me..haha.. In addition, with a plenty of concubine in palace, who does  not feel jealous to others if one of them got more love and attention..  Emperor too polygamy… not enough three but more… I just want to love and be loved by one husband forever :) Amin…
That is how Consort Hua feel after being favorite  by emperor for long time and suddenly his love change after other concubine success attract his attention… so, live as concubines is not happy at all… that's why she ignored others view because she just want to gain emperor care… but it still unfair to the other concubine, right?
For the first time I think that empress is good but after sometimes she seem to be wicked.. I can say that she Is the reason behind all miscarriage happened.. She unable to give birth on heir, note that, heir is the most important in palace because they gonna ascend the throne :)  that's why she being like that.. She attempt use An Lingrong as her tools to ruin others concubine… she does not like Consort Hua because she is bad and she also does not like Zhen Huan because she is too smart…

Now I just tell you about Zhen Huan...hehe...because she is the main character in this drama so let keep her story for a while :)
Okay, she is so pretty right? Yeah… Allah creature...
She use to be intelligent, beautiful, and wise for the first time.. She full bloom and youthful innocence, gets selected to join the palace harem as Emperor Yongzheng's concubine with Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong..
Emperor like her because she resemble late Empress Chun Yuan a lot… at this time she does not know anything about that…
Her life from early was challenging because of Consort Hua jealousy and followed up by conflict with Empress…  Zhen Huan always help the emperor in country matter when he asked for help..
Zhen Huan, easily get sick, and she will be threat by Imperial Doctor, Physician Wen whom know Zhen Huan before she entering the palace and have feeling towards her.. But Zhen Huan just assume him as brother…
Zhen Huan become so happy when she know she was pregnant after waiting for a long time.. And she miscarries it because of several  reasons, before that Consort Hua feel not satisfied with her and punish her to sit under the hot sun and read the poem, wait, I forgot ready… hurm, something like that… her servant too accompanying her.. But after several hours she fainted.. When doctor check, said she lose the baby.. And Consort Hua been punished.. At that time too, some officer take a chance to bring Nian Geng Yao down with several proof of his doing...and he was ordered to be kill. This affect Consort Hua so much and she also suicide. Very tragic…
It's the end of Consort Hua glorious period but there is still empress who become more powerful in the palace..
Soon, Zhen Huan was framed and being under house arrest, and she pregnant again.. this time she successfully delivered her daughter and she went out the palace with lost all hope in love when she just know about empress chun yuan matter..

She was abused in nunnery(chinese temple) and she have been taken care by 17th Prince, Emperor siblings, and they start to love each other… they got married and soon, 17th prince  was sent away to the treacherous areas in the South West for a surveying mission and not coming back after one that time Zhen Huan also pregnant.. Physician Wen check on her health and told that 17th prince died during the mission… Zhen Huan was really, really sad because thay have plan to flee away from that place after he came back but what came back a bad news about him…
So, after one and a half month, 17th prince came back while people  around him being sad about his news.. When he got know that Zhen Huan is going back to the palace to revenge, he ask Zhen Huan to not go but she is determined to went back because of emperor order… Before this emperor had came to the temple to meet Zhen Huan and spend one night together.. Even though, she have no more love to emperor and hate him but she does not have any other choice.. And she got to enter palace soon after emperor heard that she is pregnant… actually the truth is, she is pregnant 17th prince baby...and she lies to emperor saying that it is his, it is dangerous decision…
Starting from this, Zhen Huan will face more challenges and unspoken dangers in palace. She enter the palace with Niohuru title and become 4th prince mother..

This is plenty of my review of this drama and I shall update after the last episode okay! So  guys , sound very interesting right? It still have few more  episode to go,  I advice you to watch this drama and take some lesson from it okay… if you want to watch early, you can always watch online :)

Wait for my part 2 about this drama !

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Potato Bun Vid


Fill up your day with good deeds :), insyaAllah..

                                                                        source: youtube

I gonna give a quick review about this entry..
i've try two times before this making a potato bun.. but it does not success..
i've measure all the ingredients needed and it turn different from what i imagined..
well, it turn hard as rock for the first time because i added so much flour on it and thankfully all of it have finished eaten by sis friends... haha..if you don't have a strong teeth, confirm you will broken some :) hehe..
secondly, i think maybe i put a bit of yeast and the dough i  knead does not expand at all... and its ok than the first one.. it can be chew, anyway.. ayoyo...
oh dear, it was so noisy out cracker was so loud! Kids!!!
so, after this i have to learn a right way to knead the dough before making a bun...haha...
so, if you enjoy watching this video, how about you also try making bun too..
i'm really sure there is so much potato bun fan out there ... :) i know it was easy to find some at supermarket near your house but sometimes i don't feel safe to eat that bun because i frequently saw insect flowing be careful consumers...:)
Baking is really enjoying if you know the proper way but don't be scared for doing mistake because you got to learn something from it ..
better do thing than nothing, right?
that's all for today :)
adios, amigos..hehe

p/s: MUET test is over, heheh

Friday, June 20, 2014

New Semester !


Helllo guys.. it have been a long time I wrote my entry ..perhaps, you  guys missing me? Hehe.. Three weeks before today is a mid term holiday...for me it is the end of sem 2 and now we refreshingly enter sem 3 which is the final month for us, upper 6..

I spend lot of time staying at home during holiday and only twice went outing with ma families to Taman Pertanian Shah Alam, there is four season house  and we  came when it was flower season ..actually we want to go winter season but it is on December, so we just going to that place, what else we can do...even though we use gprs, still, we lost our way...haha… I wonder how come last year we can reach Putrajaya at night to watch  fireworks competition with the help of gprs and everything going smoothly without losing our track… maybe the power of the spirit make our long way become easier, haha… well, in the flower season house is okay… not too big...we can only see the flower bloom far away but we can't enter that area maybe scared if someone will pluck the plants… after that we stop at the mini zoo, I got to touch horse and goat...watching parrot blabbering... etc and I also  went out with my long lost bf since our primary school, Zulaika.. I realized it have been  10 years of our relationship.. We do some shopping at AEON and Kenanga Mall...hehe

 Okay it was really boring doing nothing at home so I decided to bake a cake and some cookies.. My homemade cake I've tried to bake is choc cup cake, chocolate chiffon cake and recently oreo cheese cake , some cookies as well like  ..oat and honey cookies. Well ,  actually I don't have any experience baking a cake before this, that's why it turned very different from the illustration in recipe book.. Why? It became too thin same as before I put it in the oven.. even though I've put baking powder, but it still remain unchanged at the end.. But it taste does not disappointed us because it was delicious and ma family members like it..hehe.  But there is a few things that I don’t understand.. Why it turn thin even though I've followed all the instruction given in the book ..can someone tell me?
*even my meringue, ma donsaeng beat the white eggs and sugar until it turn very fluffy ..huh
So what I've plan after end up my school, I want to enter baking class for a  moment in order to enhance and develop my skills in baking :), hopefully I can be more expert in this field… truly, I really  enjoying making bun(not yet try) and simple cakes :)
 this chiffon choc cake does not look like a real was to thin! haha

 i'm just prepared the ingredients and ma brother and sis lend me a help, i help to press this oat cookies ok...

 after came back from school, i immediately made this honey cookies because i'm hungry since i became a picky eaters..haha

oreo cheese cake...haha...not so well made... but it's yummy!

Next, my MUET test run smoothly.. start with speaking and etc...wish me good luck :)
Our result for sem 2 I think will be out in August, I'm really hoping to get at least cgpa3.40 and above because I don't want to repeat again...insyaAllah..

There is many thing I enjoy doing my free time like crafting(seldom), drawing people or design any cloth and doing some research about things that very interesting to look for..

Last but not least, my new resolution in this sem, is:-
*pray fully and on time 5 prayer every day
*study very smart
*save 400$ in this last few month
*decrease the intake of oily food
*obey my parents

*always do a good deeds, insyaAllah.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Aku dan Kau


Aku nak sahabat yang sekepala denganku. Aku nak sahabat yang selalu bantu aku dalam pelajaran kalau aku tak tahu, aku nak sahabat yang tau menjaga aurat dan dapat ingatkan aurat aku juga, aku nak sahabat yang tak over macam mengada-ngada layan lelaki walaupun lelaki tu ada latar belakang yang buat kau kagumi dan simpati walaupun ustaz sekalipun. Aku nak sahabat yang tegas pendiriannya, aku nak sahabat yang selalu berusaha perbaiki diri, aku nak sahabat yang dapat ingatkan aku supaya tak lalai, aku nak sahabat yang dapat aku berpaut, aku nak sahabat yang beriman, aku nak sahabat yang tak ambil gambar berdua-duaan dengan budak lelaki, aku nak sahabat yang tak begurau melampau dengan lelaki, aku nak sahabat yang tak duduk berdua-duaan dengan lelaki, aku nak sahabat yang cinta majlis ilmu, aku nak sahabat yang dapat meletakkan jurang antara lelaki yang bukan muhrim walaupun dia rakan sekelas, seuniversiti atau sepejabat, aku nak sahabat yang tak terasa apa yang aku tulis ni sebab aku cakap dengan jujur pada sahabat aku ni yang aku sayang kau jadi aku tulis apa yang baik untuk hidup kau… Aku sayang kau sebab itulah aku nak kau berubah aku nak kita sama-sama masuk syurga...aku nak kau dan aku taat pada suami dan biarkan kau dan aku ekslusif untuk suami kita je..okay...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Secret


Hi guys, women can't escape from cosmetics, they are like fill and nails…

Ya, I think you guys know what I'm going to say now… hehe..A+!
So now I'm going to tell you the secret that make my life become much better..
In old days, pimple which is the frequent problem girls face as well as me.. My face all went up the ugly pimple.. I thought problem solved when I pinch out of my cheeks.. but it does not the end it is just the beginning of miserable life I've been through… girls, don’t dare to press it! Straight away use acne wash… When I was in form 3, there is not too much pimple.. But when I went to form 4 and 5, my smooth face become dull, dark, pimply, and much more worst.. Sometimes words can't exactly explain the situation.. At that time, I'm not really care what had happened but when I look clearly at the mirror now I feel earth rotate 360'0… I look at the picture of mine I was startled to see that my face was really different long time ago… and this is biggest reason why I start not feel confident in myself… I don't know how do I meet people…

How do I settle this?
Like others yoja, I started to search facial wash at wellness shop… well, that is the only thing I can do because I'm still a student whom don't have money.. The truth is, I can say that I've tried almost all well-known skin care product that past two years.. Just name it, such as Clean& Clear, Garnier, Rosa T, Safi, Ginvera, NuTeen and ETC… wow.. Look, what do you think about that? I've totally spend RM150 and above to buy all those item.. Sometimes, I asked mom for money, my school saving and duit rayas to bought that… I was a kiddo that know nothing.. so I just used it.. And it does not give much effect to me.. That's why I kept changed my skin care… if it work, it just for temporary… when It give nothing, I bought others product like rice soap and D'herbs.. And it’s also not effective for my skin… I don't really took care what is the ingredient in that skin care.. whether it is not suitable with my skin or not, almost of them used chemical that we don’t know if it can corrosive or give side effect… I think that was the huge reason why it is not suit for me.. All people has different type of skin, right…
Yeah, I was frust… actually, my skin problem is not really in bad condition… that bad pimple just went up only on my cheek, not all over my face but still it was a big problem for me and other girls too… so I usually wear powder if I went out…

After I've finished my form five, I have to went for PLKN… this make my skin become more problem… of coursela, I've to playing under the hot sun for about two and half month.. But, actually at there, I can said that many chingu told that I was cute because of my hot dimple… hehe.. So, when I came back from PLKN, my mom said that my face become dark… After one week, my mom, dad , little sister and me went to Padang, Indonesia, my parents’ hometown, to have one week short vacation… What I know is Padang citizen use too many oil to fried the dish… same goes too at my grandmother house.. So, I don't have any choice, I force myself to eat the oily food .. At the end, pimple come again while my face was sunburn not long ago… I start to realised that my face easily got pimple if I ate too much oily food.. So I came back from Indonesia, say in my mind that I have to stop eating all the oily food.. On May, I enter form six, and I study as usual but my skin problem still not solved… My skin become reddish plus sunburn not yet fully heal and pimple get along at the same time…

How do I overcome it?
On last September, I always love to hear especially at the night slot because at that time I'm only the child whom live with my parents while others at university, polytechnics and hostel. So,  radio is mandatory to accompany my day and night until October. After that, one by one came back… oh, dear… messy! Anyway, there was a slot where it called wellness program.. And I just heard the interview with that guest telling about the effectiveness off five types skin problem.. I believe it because it was Islam people whom made and introduced this product and along with the testimony she show really make me want to search for that product… At the end of their session, they gave contact details about that  product.. I searched in Facebook, after reading, scanning and scrolling all their pages, I felt that I can solve my problem… so I bought from their saler and use it for one week… It can stand for three months and it cost 100MYR, costly but it is reasonable... alhamdulillah, it give me a solution even though not really obvious but I can feel it's effectiveness… More and less it does not remove all pimple but it success to cure my face little by little..  My face still grow pimple if I ate oily food but with it I can prevent it to not become more worst… Day by day my face become white and more brighter again.. And that skincare Is the one I use until now… I don't want to change anymore to other skincare… and now I just have to rid acne scar that lies on my cheek.. What other people say is, including my mom, sisters, friends and teachers they told me that my face become more white…  What is the other benefit is, you can vanish the pimple and at the same time it can brighten you face… it was really helping.. There is also people told that my face Is not the original and natural beauty because become so white suddenly with the help of skin care… I have a tough reason why I have to use it… I'm really not feel comfortable and confident if there is acne, oily on my face.. And I have to take care of my face so I can have my smooth, glow and perfect skin back.. Is there a problem with it?
 I GIVE YOU ONE SITUATION, there is five girls in this classroom, all four has a healthy skin and the another one have a skin problem.. Don't you think this girls will get down  and depressed because lack of appearance due to her look? SO, just she have to only sit there doing nothing to make sure she can step forward , stand higher, performed well as others? For sure, she will try to find a solution to heal it.. What a moral values you can find here is, don't easily give up in anything to achieve success in your life, don't even give a chance to other enemy to shoot you down and there will always a way to went out of all this unless you is the person who can't sit easily while looking to others victory (to enemy)…  I don't change what Allah gave me but I mere cure the skin problem I faced for my wellness and for my goods... can't i? So I have to patiently waiting for my face fully recovered back! Now I've to cut down all the oily and fatty food… You can! Fighting!

p/s: KL is in haze… and politics….oh….and missing airplane !!!