Saturday, July 12, 2014

Aman Palestin !


Sempena menyambut Ramadhan yang mulia ini kita hendaklah berusaha untuk meningkatkan amal ibadah kerana pada bulan inilah kita dapat memperoleh pahala yang berlipat ganda..siapa yang tak nak? Adakah disebabkan kita berpuasa kita menjadi lemah semangat sedangkan pada zaman nabi pun berpuasa ketika berperang..Namun kita dihidangkan isu yang menyayat hati kita umat islam ialah kisah saudara kita di bumi  Palestin yang menghadapi serangan tentara zionis yang dilaknat oleh Allah.. Tentera Israel didakwa sengaja mengeksploitasi penculikan tiga remaja negara itu dari penempatan haram Yahudi di Hebron sebagai alasan untuk menyerang penduduk Palestin di Gaza...apa lagi yang mereka rancangkan?

Pembentukan negara haram israel pada 15 Mei 1948 di bumi palestin 65 tahun yang lalu telah mengundang malapetaka besar...Dunia menyaksikan kekejaman rejim Zionis melalui petempuran yang telah mengakibatkan kemusnahan yang dahsyat. Ratusan ribu yang mati syahid, ribuan pelarian yang terpaksa meninggalkan tanah air dan berhadapan masalah pengangguran dan kecacatan kekal… Tidak ada sifat perikemanusiaan dalam diri mereka...Penderitaan dan kesengsaraan berpanjangan yang ditanggung rakayat Palestin menjadi satu keinsafan kepada kita seummah..

Jika kita di Malaysia masih boleh bersenang lenang dengan limpahan kemewahan yang tak terhingga, ingatlah masih ada di luar sana yang menderita dan sengsara kerana ingin mempertahankan negara mereka daripada musuh Islam… Mungkin kita boleh buang makanan yang berlebihan apabila kita kekenyangan ke dalam tong sampah tapi pernah tak kita terfikir banyak lagi kanak-kanak yang mati kebuluran kerana tiada makanan..Setiap cebisan makanan yang kita dapat semuanya ada harga dan nilainya yang tersendiri.. Dapat makan makanan yang bermacam-macam pun bersyukurlah …
Jika kita sakit, kita boleh dapatkan segera rawatan di klinik mahupun hospital tetapi jika penyambung pejuang Palestin yang sakit seperti kanak-kanak adakah mereka dapat khidmat rawatan ini dengan segera sekiranya hospital penuh dengan mangsa serangan, ubat-ubatan kehabisan serta adakah kecederaan yang mereka alami boleh sembuh dengan sepenuhnnya jika tidak dirawat dengan baik?  Kita tak rasa apa yang dilalui oleh rakyat Palestin kerana kita tidak mengalaminya Namun, jika negara kita pula yang menjadi mangsa serangan kuasa jahat, adakah kita mampu keluar dari rumah untuk ke sekolah dengan tenang… Disinilah kekuatan doa yang kita boleh sampaikan… Berdoalah, kerana itulah penghubung kita kepada yang maha pencipta..kerana doalah senjata orang Mukmin.. Adakah kita mempunyai kekuatan untuk menumbangkan musuh sekiranya kita masih lagi di awang-awangan.. Dengan maksiat yang penuh dalam diri kita adakah kita mampu berdiri segagah seperti pemuda Palestin yang kuat serta utuh pegangannya kepada ajaran Allah.. Jihad mereka tidak akan pernah berhenti kerana mereka percaya kemenangan itu datang daripada Allah…

Seruan mereka ialah jihad fisabilillah menentang musuh Allah dan umat Islam, bukan seruan bangsa dan tanah air. Bekalan kerohanian mereka ialah solat berjemaah dan solat malam, bukan hiburan dengan segala penjenamaan dan hiasan kata. Peneguhan jiwa mereka ialah al-Quran, bukan nayanyian yang melalaikan. Matlamat dan tujuan mereka ialah mati syahid dan bukan tujuan duniawi dan segala isinya.

Mereka itulah orang yang tidak tertipu dengan dunia dan isinya. Mereka tidak ada masa menonton konsert rock atau irama tari lembut gemalai. Mereka benci dengan fenomena Gangnam Style atau artis-artis sezaman dengannya kerana ianya jelas dan nyata mendorong kepada kebejatan akhlak dan keruntuhan moral.
Akhlak, peribadi dan semangat pejuang-pejuang kebenaran inilah yang seharusnya djadikan contoh kepada umat islam sedunia agar bersatu dalam mengalahkan musuh Islam.

Jadi apa kata kita bersama-sama menghulurkan bantuan kepada mereka dengan menderma di


insyaAllah,  jika seorang rakyat Malaysia dapat menyumbang RM10 seorang, ditambah dengan yang lain, kita dapat membantu penduduk Palestin untuk keperluan asas mereka...

Dari Abu Hurairah ra, Nabi SAW, bersabda: “Barang siapa yang melepaskan satu kesusahan seorang mukmin, pasti Allah akan melepaskan darinya satu kesusahan pada hari kiamat. Barang siapa yang menjadikan mudah urusan orang lain, pasti Allah akan memudahkannya di dunia dan di akhirat. Barang siapa yang menutupi aib seorang muslim, pasti Allah akan menutupi aibnya di dunia dan di akhirat. Allah senantiasa menolong hamba Nya selama hamba Nya itu suka menolong saudaranya”. (HR. Muslim, lihat juga Kumpulan Hadits Arba’in An Nawawi hadits ke 36).

The Legend Of Zhen Huan Part 1


Hi everyone!

Why do you think about my topic today?
I'm sure chinese drama fan will know this drama.. I just love all korean and chinese drama that suit my taste.. Nowadays, I watching this stories on television..and now it's airing from Monday to Friday from 6.00pm to 7.00pm on NTV7, so, to all historical drama fan, you have to watch this drama before it end ok!  It has 76 episode and it worth to watch it for 45 minutes after coming back from school..hehe
Ok, so why I like to watch this drama? What is the speciality?
Based on my observation, cehhh… eyh, how rojak singapura taste? Haha, just kidding…
This is the actor and actress in this series...

I started watch this drama after it start with a few episode, if I'm not mistaken when Changzai Chun join palace harem

… she enter the palace at a young age to become an emperor concubine.. She is so cute, active and kind person.. But she found dead after being killed by Consort Hua servant… All female  character in this story are young and beautiful as well as their costume… I like their cold clothes because it was so attractive and pretty with adding some fur on it… I wonder how cold the weather at there… if I have a chance, I want try wear that clothes! Hehe…
Things I got learn is we need to be knowledgeable but in this drama if you are smart, you just ask for problem...because only smart people can overcome all things happen and control the palace…

You know, Consort Hua, she have been emperor favorite because of her brother (Nian Geng Yao)  contribution to the country and she is talented, smart and in the palace as a concubine is full with tragedy…
if you try to attract Emperor Yongzheng attention and be powerful, sure you will be knock off… that's why get descent with emperor is important to secure your position… if they got boys, sure their mom become more powerful than empress who does not have any child..  What I know is, there is not much emperor son in the palace… But some of them successful delivering baby, and it is girl, it's fine…
if they got pregnant and will deliver soon, of course there will be a bad people will find a way to make they miscarriage the baby.. so poor...
I also found cruelty in this drama where is often happened to the weak concubine like to  An Lingrong and others..  If they make Consort Hua mad, they gonna be slap… even watching them being tease just make me feel, what is this! Urgh, I hate her! Haha… Like seriously, annoying…
One way not to get into fight with others is don't even bother with others problem and stay away from emperor like what Shen Meizhuang do after losing hope to  emperor because she was under house arrest for a long time without any interrogate do to her… I haven't watch that scene anyway.. So can't really explain thoroughly..hehe
I think enter the palace as a concubine is no lucky at all… if you can get a handsome and not to old husband is okay but emperor was too old for me..haha.. In addition, with a plenty of concubine in palace, who does  not feel jealous to others if one of them got more love and attention..  Emperor too polygamy… not enough three but more… I just want to love and be loved by one husband forever :) Amin…
That is how Consort Hua feel after being favorite  by emperor for long time and suddenly his love change after other concubine success attract his attention… so, live as concubines is not happy at all… that's why she ignored others view because she just want to gain emperor care… but it still unfair to the other concubine, right?
For the first time I think that empress is good but after sometimes she seem to be wicked.. I can say that she Is the reason behind all miscarriage happened.. She unable to give birth on heir, note that, heir is the most important in palace because they gonna ascend the throne :)  that's why she being like that.. She attempt use An Lingrong as her tools to ruin others concubine… she does not like Consort Hua because she is bad and she also does not like Zhen Huan because she is too smart…

Now I just tell you about Zhen Huan...hehe...because she is the main character in this drama so let keep her story for a while :)
Okay, she is so pretty right? Yeah… Allah creature...
She use to be intelligent, beautiful, and wise for the first time.. She full bloom and youthful innocence, gets selected to join the palace harem as Emperor Yongzheng's concubine with Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong..
Emperor like her because she resemble late Empress Chun Yuan a lot… at this time she does not know anything about that…
Her life from early was challenging because of Consort Hua jealousy and followed up by conflict with Empress…  Zhen Huan always help the emperor in country matter when he asked for help..
Zhen Huan, easily get sick, and she will be threat by Imperial Doctor, Physician Wen whom know Zhen Huan before she entering the palace and have feeling towards her.. But Zhen Huan just assume him as brother…
Zhen Huan become so happy when she know she was pregnant after waiting for a long time.. And she miscarries it because of several  reasons, before that Consort Hua feel not satisfied with her and punish her to sit under the hot sun and read the poem, wait, I forgot ready… hurm, something like that… her servant too accompanying her.. But after several hours she fainted.. When doctor check, said she lose the baby.. And Consort Hua been punished.. At that time too, some officer take a chance to bring Nian Geng Yao down with several proof of his doing...and he was ordered to be kill. This affect Consort Hua so much and she also suicide. Very tragic…
It's the end of Consort Hua glorious period but there is still empress who become more powerful in the palace..
Soon, Zhen Huan was framed and being under house arrest, and she pregnant again.. this time she successfully delivered her daughter and she went out the palace with lost all hope in love when she just know about empress chun yuan matter..

She was abused in nunnery(chinese temple) and she have been taken care by 17th Prince, Emperor siblings, and they start to love each other… they got married and soon, 17th prince  was sent away to the treacherous areas in the South West for a surveying mission and not coming back after one that time Zhen Huan also pregnant.. Physician Wen check on her health and told that 17th prince died during the mission… Zhen Huan was really, really sad because thay have plan to flee away from that place after he came back but what came back a bad news about him…
So, after one and a half month, 17th prince came back while people  around him being sad about his news.. When he got know that Zhen Huan is going back to the palace to revenge, he ask Zhen Huan to not go but she is determined to went back because of emperor order… Before this emperor had came to the temple to meet Zhen Huan and spend one night together.. Even though, she have no more love to emperor and hate him but she does not have any other choice.. And she got to enter palace soon after emperor heard that she is pregnant… actually the truth is, she is pregnant 17th prince baby...and she lies to emperor saying that it is his, it is dangerous decision…
Starting from this, Zhen Huan will face more challenges and unspoken dangers in palace. She enter the palace with Niohuru title and become 4th prince mother..

This is plenty of my review of this drama and I shall update after the last episode okay! So  guys , sound very interesting right? It still have few more  episode to go,  I advice you to watch this drama and take some lesson from it okay… if you want to watch early, you can always watch online :)

Wait for my part 2 about this drama !

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Potato Bun Vid


Fill up your day with good deeds :), insyaAllah..

                                                                        source: youtube

I gonna give a quick review about this entry..
i've try two times before this making a potato bun.. but it does not success..
i've measure all the ingredients needed and it turn different from what i imagined..
well, it turn hard as rock for the first time because i added so much flour on it and thankfully all of it have finished eaten by sis friends... haha..if you don't have a strong teeth, confirm you will broken some :) hehe..
secondly, i think maybe i put a bit of yeast and the dough i  knead does not expand at all... and its ok than the first one.. it can be chew, anyway.. ayoyo...
oh dear, it was so noisy out cracker was so loud! Kids!!!
so, after this i have to learn a right way to knead the dough before making a bun...haha...
so, if you enjoy watching this video, how about you also try making bun too..
i'm really sure there is so much potato bun fan out there ... :) i know it was easy to find some at supermarket near your house but sometimes i don't feel safe to eat that bun because i frequently saw insect flowing be careful consumers...:)
Baking is really enjoying if you know the proper way but don't be scared for doing mistake because you got to learn something from it ..
better do thing than nothing, right?
that's all for today :)
adios, amigos..hehe

p/s: MUET test is over, heheh