Monday, August 24, 2020



Kalau ditanya Hero macam mana yang diri ini inginkan.
Hero itu haruslah seorang yang berilmu pengetahuan yang luas. Seorang pemimpin yang bijaksana dan berwawasan. Kalau nak describe calon suami macam mana yang diinginkan?
Jawapannya seperti yang dinyatakan. Seorang yang boleh menerima kelemahan diri, namun itu tidak dijadikan alasan kerana sebagai pemimpin tugasnya adalah mengemudi sesebuah nakhoda sehingga ke akhir hayat. Boleh menahan segala ribut yang datang menempiaskan taufannya dan tetap cekal memimpin kerana tahu segala sesuatu yang berlaku adalah dariNya, selagi mana keyakinan pada Dia dan tahu akan kewujudan dunia sana yang kekal selamanya selagi itulah hati itu akan terus berani dan cekal harunginya. Ya meskipun Hero bukanlah yang sempurna semuanya, tetapi hadirnya dalam hidup melengkapi, pasti akan membuahkan hasil setelah dilalui dengan sepenuh pengharapan kepada Allah. 

Allah Maha Kuasa atas setiap segala sesuatu, makhluk tiada kuasa. Bahkan makhluk hanya lemah dan perlu sentiasa mengharapkan bantuan dariNya. Hero tahu disaat dia benar pada pegangan ajaran Islam yang benar dia tidak takut dan gentar menghadapi segala dugaan dan cubaan. Kerana dia yakin di setiap kejadian telah ditentukan hikmah yang dapat diambil sebagai pedoman dalam hidup. Takutlah pada Allah akan setiap apa yang dikerjakan. Jalan mana yang akan dipilih untuk ke syurgaNya. Hidup memanglah satu pilihan, pilihlah yang membawa diri dekat pada Dia kerana kita cuma seorang perantau di dunia. Disaat satu dunia, orang yang dipercayai dan paling disayangi berpaling darimu, ingatlah Allah. Minta pada Dia apa yang diinginkan dengan hati yang bersungguh-sungguh dan berdoa dengan yakin pada Dia akan dimakbulkan segala yang baik untuk kebaikan diri dan agama. Takutlah dengan Allah dalam memimpin sesuatu. Supaya tidak leka dan alpa dan sebagai peringatan kepada diri yang sentiasa leka dan lupa.

Allah akan beri jawapan pada setiap persoalan dengan memohonlah dengan hati yang rindu akan kasih sayangNya yang melimpah ruah. Kita cuma makhluk hina yang lemah. Janganlah dibiarkan ego itu melebihi segalanya dalam diri kerana itu pemusnah utama dalam hidup. Jangan biar ia menang tapi sentiasalah berharap Allah lembutkan hati untuk sentiasa memaafkan orang, memaafkan kekhilafan diri dan berusahalah memperbaiki diri sepanjang masa sehingga nyawa masih dikandung badan. Belajarlah dari alam, merenungi segala kebesaranNya dan sentiasalah bersyukur atas nikmat Allah yang tidak terhitung dan memberikan kita nafas, itu tanda kasih sayangnya yang utama. Berpenat lelahla di dunia, kelak di akhirat Allah akan berikan ganjaran yang tidak mampu dibayang dan diucapkan kerana Allah lebih mengetahui sedangkan kita tak tahu apa-apa. Sayangnya Allah pada kita cuma kita je yang tak perasan dan kita mudah lupa siapa yang beri kita semuanya. Tapi kita juga lupa Dia juga boleh mengambilnya semula Ingatlah semua hanya pinjaman. Bukan kita punya. Peliharalah dengan baik. Kelak kita akan ditanya apa yang kita telah lakukan. Setiap perlakuan kita dibawah pemerhatianNya. Ingatlah, takutlah pada Allah.

Saturday, June 13, 2020



Knowing me if just wasting your time and make you pening. Just not know me is just fine.
Block or unfollow me for my negative thought, that's okay.
People say never force anything
Because I scared
I never have intention to hurt
I just don't like mine
I say i hate that's mean, i hate myself
I say I hate you, that's mean I like
Confuse, right 🤣
But just being myself is not something fake
My random thoughts this nite

Wednesday, February 6, 2019



Alhamdulillah. Still given a breath by Allah SWT  to live as Muslim in this world.
Alhamdulillah for every blessing he give us.
Alhamdulillah too much we received, yet still we feel its not enough.

I'm going to have my exam starting this weekend and will be continued next week.
you know what sometimes i feel trouble to continuing study. i feel like it does not bring important in my life. Feel like wasting money and time. Astaghfirullah. Everytime i'm just thinking to stop work on it and because i have another plan. I want to change my courses, well i think this will be my second time changing courses in university. Hehe. I'm thinking to learn Religion as i know that is more important than learning subject that does not related to akhirah. Well if saying about planning, i have too many plans right now but never know which one, when it's going to work. About changing the courses surely i'll get two hard knocks if i do. Ad, stop creating ruckus okay!
Getting in the ruckus means you have to settle it by yourself okay, blame on you. Hmm.
Please pray for me okay, to let Adni finish her BBA successfully until the day he Graduate smoothly and nicely. IN SYA ALLAH.

Okay next, dad acquire new shop! Alhamdulillah. Guys i got a secret to tell you guys about something and it was called MARRIAGE: A HIDDEN TREASURE WITH 1000 WISDOM.

Why it so called as that?
There is something people scared of to start with.
Something that not yet happen but it gives young adults, a thousand of worries.
What is that? Can you guess?


Many of them are scared.
maybe they once feels the broken
aches in heart
it takes a years to heal
broken pieces by pieces
to prevent it they more likely to live as single
just be a good friend and giving hopes and loves
leave it when they are done

To be honest, as Muslim, we say that we believe Allah S.W.T as our God, and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as His Messenger, we have IMAAN, Faith to Him, we should be brave. If we understand why we born as Muslim, know our responsibilities, to obligate Allah S.W.T in all aspect , In Sya Allah, Allah will ease and help us. Back to AL-QURAN and SUNNAH if we want something that can help us to worship Allah S.W.T, to complete our imperfection, truly we are far from imperfectness... too far. But to complete our half Deen, it's through marriage.

You know what, my parents married at their young age 23 for my mom and 27 for my dad. My mom is the eldest daughter from eight siblings and dad is the youngest son from four siblings. Dads wanders out from his country to Malaysia on his young age, he then being matchmaking by his mom to my mom. And without they know each other, they married and dad prepared all things for mom to come with him to Malaysia. With nothing, penniless after married, but now have everything because one thing, MARRIAGE.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W enjoined up in the followers to marry.
He said "when a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion , so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half." This hadith is narrated by Anas. Islam greatly encourages marriage because it shields one from and upholds the family unit which Islam places great importance.

Yes, marriage is easy but its a long term responsibility same just with SALAH, FASTING, DO GOOD TO PARENTS, SADAQAH and others than that.
It's about full time commitment. 
Marriage helps us many ways whether in health, life, and for future.
Marriage grows us in many aspect positively as we improving little by little.
My parents , Alhamdulillah, we got more than enough. We siblings, able to live normal like others. We have shelters, clothes, food and drinks, going to school, we got our job. Yes, for the starters, it might hard for us, but it does not matter, everything that was provided to us is ENOUGH. More than enough. We are happy even its not rich. We are thankful, if we are able to going back on that time, we would cherish it on every single moment. As it was priceless memories that we are not going to have it again.

Look, marriage need a lot of hard work, effort, patience and love.
Its teach us many things that both never had experience before to become more matured.
We gonna have many differences, many things needs to sacrifices. But, believe everything is worth at the end of the journey if we understand why we being as Muslim, In Sya Allah, let it be any obstacle and problem coming, as we don't know what will happen in the future, but Trust Allah S.W.T.

"أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَن يُتْرَكُوا أَن يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لَا يُفْتَنُونَ "

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?

Surah Al-Ankabut: Verse 2

IMAAN. Our IMAAN will always going to be tested as long we are living.
Back to al Quran and Sunnah. 
Learn Religion everyday, always upgrade your knowledge in Islam and put Allah first in your heart. Ask from Him for every things we want in life. Because He know the best in us. He want to know our level of Taqwa and how we face it. Back to Him. We all belong to Him, we shall return to Him. 

Marriage is not a burden, it is a rizk' from Allah S.W.T to his creature who have Imaan in life.
To all good man and woman out there, let's be a good Muslim everyday, and In Sya Allah you will meet a good partners who are perfectly for you. Pray the best okay! Hoping too have more good Mukmin in this world who are brave and be the next soldier of Islam to help spreading the Da'wah and be the shield of all Muslim in the world. Aaminn.

Friday, September 28, 2018


                                                        اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ

Siapa itu?
The Unsung Hero.
Mereka yang sanggup berkorban demi agama, bangsa dan negara.
Rela berkorban nyawa.
Pantang undur.
Cekal dan setia.
Hebat betul mereka.
Tidak dikenali, tapi peranan mereka sungguh besar pada masyarakat.
will always be my Hero in my heart.
The One, who will hold my hand walks towards the DEEN. INSYAALLAH.


اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم

Salam Jumaat. Kawan, akhirnya, ALHAMDULILLAH, brownies den akhirnya menjadi.
Siapa yang macam aku try buat suatu benda kek ke, roti ke, buat then tak jadi. Tidak seperti yang diharapkan.
Huhu, aku selalu... Lagi lagilah bila buat roti. Huaaa, asyik keras, tak naik, kek pulak tak naik jugak, naik then leper balik. Macam apa jadinya.
Huhu, sedih je. Buat punyala ikut resepi pastu end up tak jadi jugak. Sama jugaklah kisahnya dengan brownies ni.
Tapi bila gagal sekali teruskan perbaiki, bukan berhenti ya!!!
Sama juga dalam hidup, jangan mengalah, teruskan berdayung sehingga ke penamatnya.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What is Taqwa?

اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Today i want to share something good to you all. Taqwa is the major part of our religion and how to instill in our lives. What is Taqwa? Taqwa is not only about manners. Taqwa is not about looking Islamic. Taqwa is not about sporting a beard or wearing a Hijab, Taqwa is not about appearance but Taqwa is when you miss prayer, you feel uneasy the whole day, Taqwa is when you speak lie, you feel bad. Taqwa is the guilt that follows when you hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly. Taqwa is the shame and regret that follows a sin you committed knowing full well how it stands in the sight of Allah. Taqwa is when you cannot sleep after disobeying your parents. Taqwa is to cry in the depths of night fearing none but the one above Arasy. Taqwa is the fear that refrain us from sinning when nobody familiar is around. Taqwa is the guts and the will to please Allah, even when the whole world is hell bent on displeasing Him. Taqwa is the good manners and character we practice for the sake of Allah. Taqwa is to wear beard and Hijab for the sole reason of pleasing our Creator and to keep it on as per Sunnah. Taqwa is to stay happy and smiling knowing that this world is a prison for believers. Taqwa is the good manners and character we practice for the sake of Allah. Taqwa is the struggle to better ourselves according to Islam, with each passing day. Taqwa is not just about rising in the Deen, but about falling, rising again and character we practice for the sake of Allah. Taqwa is all about what in our HEARTS. And if our hearts are filled with proper Taqwa, then actions automatically follow. And the sweetness of these actions is so fulfilling. You are not forced to share but as Allah Subhanahu Taala says, Remind, For Reminder Benefits the Believer.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


اَلسَّلامُ عَلَيْكُم

Hi semua, Ad nak cerita pasal pergi ke ranah Minang. Ranah Minang kesayangan awak. Ad ni keturunan asli Minangkabau, dan sangat berbangga dengan darah ni. Banyak family Ad tinggal kat sana. Nenek pun orang sana. So, kat Malaysia cuma little family je.
Dalam hidup dah 3 kali balik sana, 2 kali balik parents tanggung. Dan hari raya Haji tahun ni bulan Ogos, Ad balik pakai duit sendiri flight ticket dan belanja. Seriusly, now i know how my parents make money just to let all of her kids fly to Padang. 
Seronok sangat. But this trip, tiga orang je balik bukan semua balik. How i wish all of us went back together. Because our first time went back as whole family, and it is when i was standard 3 if i not mistaken, on 2010. Sebab this was last minute plan, and lain tak ready so just me, my second brother and mom.
Jadi boleh dikira mana tempat yang pernah Ad pergi as here below.

- Bukit Tinggi(Jam Gadang, Lubang Jepang)
-Istana Baso Pagaruyung
-Kelok 44
-Danau Maninjau and Danau Singkarang
-Padang Panjang
-Pantai Maling Kundang
-Pulau Anso
- Jambatan Siti Nurbaya
- Air Terjun Lembah Anai
-Pantai Gandoriah

Semua tempat ni dah pergi. Dan sangat seronok sebab suhu sangat nyaman dekat area situ. Sampai kan kulit pun bersih je. Best pulak tinggal kat sana.

OK Ad nak habaq sape yang nak ke Ranah Minang, dan nak tempat tinggal murah tapi area bilik tu dekat kampung bukan kat bandar. Specifically, Kurai Taji, Bolehla bagittau dekat Ad, kami boleh sewa untuk sape nak backpacker ke Minangkabau. Harga berbaloi ok .
Nanti Ad upload Gambar.
Jazakillah uda, uni, ajo, mak .
Ranah Minang rancak bana.